The Environmental Inequality Lab is a non-partisan research group that applies a data-driven approach to provide systematic and comprehensive evidence on how we can cost-effectively improve the quality of our environment, build resilience against environmental hazards, and increase economic opportunity for all.
Why Does the Environment Matter?
Our environment plays a vital role in shaping health, productivity, and economic opportunity.
Investing in environmental quality can drive sustainable economic growth and reduce costs by creating a more healthy and productive economy.
Why Environmental Inequality?
When environmental quality is unevenly distributed the effectiveness of investments to improve it are undermined. Inequality is inefficient.
To design and implement efficient and equitable investments in environmental quality, we need to understand:
How the costs and benefits of environmental quality are distributed.
When and why environmental inequality arises and persists.
What the consequences of environmental inequality are for individuals, communities, and the broader economy.
We are grateful to our funders: